Unable to start a service (Failed to start app.service: Unit is masked)

root@host01 /# systemctl start app.service
Failed to start app.service: Unit is masked.
root@host01 /# systemctl unmask app.service
root@host01 /# systemctl start app.service
Failed to start app.service: Unit is masked.
root@host01 /# ^C

Loaded: masked (/usr/lib/systemd/system/app.service; masked; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: inactive (dead)

I tried to unmask the app and start but still getting the same error.

@ms006, Could you please let us know the lab name so that we can assist you in a better position?

@tgp DevOps Pre-Requisite Course(Lab-Services)

@ms006, I have checked and was able to start the service without any issues. Could you please have a recheck and let us know if the issue persists.

Tried again…this time it worked fine. Thanks for the support :slight_smile:

@ms006, Glad to hear that the issue is resolved. Happy Learning with Kodekloud!