Today *The Linux Fundation* confirmed that I passed the *LFCS exam*. I am very g . . .

Llauca Xavier:
Today The Linux Fundation confirmed that I passed the LFCS exam. I am very grateful to KodeKloud. My next CKA exam is scheduled for September 17, 2022.

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Congrats :tada::confetti_ball:

Lateef Taiwo:
Congratulations :tada::tada:

Patryk Dąbrowski:
Congrats @Llauca Xavier
Is it similar to Mock Exams?

Llauca Xavier:
Yes, the kodekloud labs are similar and especially the practice exams.

recommendation: go through the whole kodekloud course.

Valentine Masina:
@Llauca Xavier were you able to use man pages? Did the exam platform restart at any time within your exam or everything went on smoothly? Congratulations

Llauca Xavier:
@Valentine Masina Yes, it is allowed, in my case it was very useful, the platform did not give me any problem.
In my particular case, I am very slow typing with the keyboard and almost can’t answer all the questions, but everything went well.

Aaron Lockhart:

Patryk Dąbrowski:
@Llauca Xavier I can’t understand, in Mock Exams we have only 1 hour to complete all the tasks, but official exam is scheduled for 2 hours, so my question is task for both are similar? Actually, it is weird for me.

Llauca Xavier:
@Patryk Dąbrowski It is correct in kodekloud we have 1 hour, while in the real exam we have 2 hours. I think this is good on the part of kodekloud because with this reduced time, we can allocate the correct time for each question and somehow it forces us to solve the exercises quickly.

The exams are similar but not the same.

For example in kodekloud there can be an exercise with the command “grep” and in the exam too. but it doesn’t mean that you are asked to do the same thing.

As a suggestion, do not memorize the commands, you have to understand what the command does and of course understand what the argument of the command does and finally know how to use the “man” command, but do not waste too much time with this remembering that you have a time limit to solve the exam.

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Was KodeKloud your only study source? Or did you use anything else? Do you have any recommendations to someone taking this exam soon?

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