SCP Banner to servers not working

I was trying to copy the Banner from jumpbox to servers by using

scp nautilus_banner peter@stdb01:/home/peter/

throws error:

[root@jump_host ~]# scp
usage: scp [-12346BCpqrv] [-c cipher] [-F ssh_config] [-i identity_file]
[-l limit] [-o ssh_option] [-P port] [-S program]
[[user@]host1:]file1 … [[user@]host2:]file2
[root@jump_host ~]# scp /home/thor/nautilus_banner peter@stdb01:/home/peter/
peter@stdb01’s password:
bash: scp: command not found
lost connection
[root@jump_host ~]#

& then change the Banner in ssh_conf of the stdb machine.
This is not working for any server.

Hi @jyoti.jangid ,

scp command not found

Please install it if it’s not found on the server.


I checked for scp, it is already installed on server.
see this:
[root@jump_host ~]# scp
usage: scp [-12346BCpqrv] [-c cipher] [-F ssh_config] [-i identity_file]
[-l limit] [-o ssh_option] [-P port] [-S program]

For this server → Nautilus DB Server

I previously was trying to install as apt-get but then found out the db-server is CentOs & installed scp using yum

Thanks for helping out.

Yeah, that was part of Linux Admin tasks.

Awesome, work. :clap: :clap:

I faced the same issues. Please ssh to the stdb01 then install openssh-clients packages. You will be able then to run the scp command. You can use 2 differents tabs

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