Not able to use eksctl to create eks cluster in AWS playground

Ok, please help me to get create of eks cluster without any issues.

@saikrishnayerramsett any luck on it? today I need to show some demo on EKS setup. Pls help me

Can you confirm that we can create cluster in Azure also?

Hello @sreemanthena,

I created a post on how to create a managed k8s cluster on AKS, please follow:

Another simple post on how to create your first application on your AKS cluster:

All are in the KodeKloud Playground!

Hope this help,

Hi @trung-kodekloud ,

By creating the cluster using the console, I’m not able to create the node-group as I get the error bellow.

I’ve followed the information in the link below to create a role for the ec2 call services

I’m trying to follow instructions on the video: [ Kubernetes for the Absolute Beginners – Hands-on Tutorial | KodeKloud ], after create the cluster, create the nodes.

The error:

User: arn:aws:iam::964762276523:user/odl_user_823013 is not authorized to perform: eks:CreateNodegroup on resource: arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:964762276523:cluster/ziriguidum with an explicit deny

Amazon EKS node IAM role - Amazon EKS.

Thank you.

Hi @raul.souza

It is currently not possible to create clusters with eksctl in the KodeKloud playgrounds.
As per the video, you must create your own personal AWS account to follow the instructions there.

If you are serious about cloud and devops, then having your own cloud accounts is pretty much a requirement. Cloud accounts cost virtually nothing to maintain, as long as you don’t create things which you forget to delete later.

Hi @Alistair_KodeKloud,

thanks for the feedback.

I was trying to use my own aws account which also didn’t work; a deletion of service failed and incurred some extra charging. For this reason I opted for playground.

Is there any potential ETA regarding the fix for this issue?

Thank You.