Not able to see public IP of the VM

Hello All,
Can anyone pls help to find the cause of why im not able to see the public IP of the VM.
I have just started the basic linux training.

Hello @Sadain-Shah
Can you check whether your internet is enabled or not?

KodeKloud Support

Internet of my local laptop or VM??

Check the internet settings of your VirtualBox VM and let me know. @Sadain-Shah

Iā€™m already connected to Bridge adapter. Let me know what needs to be done.

Hello Sadain-Shah,

sudo pkill dhclient
sudo dhclient

KodeKloud Support

Hello Ayman,
This is the error im getting.

I am talking about network settings of the VM.
Please check the attached screenshot.

It worked now.
Thanks for your help @Tej_Singh_Rana.

Thanks for your confirmation. :+1: