List of tasks in KKE

Yes ! Task for 1400 is coming :slight_smile:
Deploy Guest Book App on Kubernetes
Enjoy !

Other tasks in future:
Deploy Jenkins on Kubernetes
Deploy Nginx and Phpfpm on Kubernetes
Deploy MySQL on Kubernetes
Kubernetes Troubleshooting

Gute Arbeit kodekloud.
Nice work kodekloud.

Thanks DevOps can you add points ?

Points are : 800, 1200, 1200, 1000 respectively.


Update for Kubernetes

Create Deployments in Kubernetes Cluster 500 DevOps Kubernetes
Create Pods in Kubernetes Cluster 500 DevOps Kubernetes
Set Limits for Resources in Kubernetes 500 DevOps Kubernetes
Create Namespaces in Kubernetes Cluster 500 DevOps Kubernetes
Rolling Updates in Kubernetes 500 DevOps Kubernetes
Rollback a Deployment in Kubernetes 500 DevOps Kubernetes
Countdown job in Kubernetes 600 DevOps Kubernetes
Kubernetes Time Check Pod 600 DevOps Kubernetes
Node Affinity in Kubernetes Cluster 600 DevOps Kubernetes
Create Replicaset in Kubernetes Cluster 600 DevOps Kubernetes
Create Cronjobs in Kubernetes 600 DevOps Kubernetes
Troubleshoot Issue With Pods 600 DevOps Kubernetes
Rolling Updates And Rolling Back Deployments in Kubernetes 800 DevOps Kubernetes
Print Environment Variables 800 DevOps Kubernetes
Kubernetes Shared Volumes 800 Devops Kubernetes
Kubernetes Sidecar Containers 800 DevOps Kubernetes
Kubernetes Redis Deployment 800 DevOps Kubernetes
Deploy Nginx Web Server on Kubernetes Cluster 800 DevOps Kubernetes
Update an Existing Deployment in Kubernetes 800 DevOps Kubernetes
Deploy Jenkins on Kubernetes 800 DevOps Kubernetes
Deploy Apache Web Server on Kubernetes Cluster 1000 DevOps Kubernetes
Persistent Volumes in Kubernetes 1000 DevOps Kubernetes
Kubernetes Troubleshooting 1000 DevOps Kubernetes
Manage Secrets in Kubernetes 1000 DevOps Kubernetes
Environment Variables in Kubernetes 1000 DevOps Kubernetes
Init Containers in Kubernetes 1000 DevOps Kubernetes
Deploy Nginx and Phpfpm on Kubernetes 1200 DevOps Kubernetes
Deploy MySQL on Kubernetes 1200 DevOps Kubernetes
Deploy Guest Book App on Kubernetes 1400 DevOps Kubernetes

Troubleshoot Deployment issues in Kubernetes - 800 points
Image Pull Secrets in Kubernetes - 800 points
Kubernetes Troubleshooting - 1000 points

I’ve been following this thread since June when I first started in Kodekloud.
I remember being so excited to reach 25K during my first few tasks wherein I was getting just 200 points.

Currently I have 15400 – still lot more to go but I’m still excited!
I’d like to reply to my comment every month just to update and push myself.
Thanks again for this awesome list!


It looks like I got all DevOps tasks created so far as last three tasks were repetitions.
Did anyone from you got following tasks:
Kubernetes Redis Deployment 800
Kubernetes Troubleshooting 1000
Deploy MySQL on Kubernetes 1200
Not sure if such tasks exist and there is issue with assignments algorithm or they do not so there are no more new tasks available.
Thanks in advance !

ReplicationController in Kubernetes 600

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Sultan Ahmed got

and Lalit Joshi got

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thanks for this list andrzej and every one who is contributing

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Hey there, past self!
It’s 25-Nov-2020 and it’s been like 2 months - was not able to get back here due to lots of commitment and had to set KodeKlooud profile to ‘Inactive’ to give way to some things.
The good news is, we’re able to bag the:

AWS Cloud Practitioner,
AWS Solutions Architect, and the
GCP Associate Cloud Engineer

certs during the hiatus! So, yey!

Also, forgot to mention, we’re currently on 24100 points – 900 points short on becoming Devops Engineer, so yeah, good job!

Will update again soon, maybe before the year ends!
T’was definitely a challenging year, but hey, we covered lots of skills, and there’s defiitely more to explore by next year.
Keep going, man!

Hey there again, past self!

Update - 28-Nov-2020

Just reached the 25,000 mark !
After some 5 months of constantly doing the tasks and of course scouring the internet and the KodeKloud community on how other people approached the tasks, we’re now able to close the 25K mark with the recent 52nd task.

I think it’s also worth mentioning the tasks that you’ve resolved in the past but appeared again.
It’s like seeing the problem with fresh sight but with much more confidence working in Linux.
Really enjoyed how the tasks simulate actual tickets at work. Kudos to @mmumshad and team!

First target, done!
Lot more to learn, lot more to go!
Next up, 100K!

Alright, way to go, past self!
Onto the next mile marker we go!


That’s Great! Keep the streak going!

You’ve done well for 2022!

It’s 8-Dec-2022, a few days before the year closes. Just went back here to update you, past self, on how are we doing now in the future (which is my present, lols).

We got a job in Singapore as a DevOps Engineer and we’ve been learning a lot of cool new technologies, some familiar, and some downright mind-boggling.

We’re using AWS on a daily basis now, specifically EKS, so it’s a great practice for Kubernetes.
Having said that, we’ve booked all three CKA/CKAD/CKS exam which we should complete in a span of 1 year. I guess that’s manageable since we get to work with Kubernetes every day. Maybe our future selves can update us on that soon!

We also did lots of application deployments and used tools such as RabbitMQ and Apache Flink. A year ago, we didn’t know about this stuff. Hahaha. We’re also working on different microservices now, and let me tell you, it is more complicated than it sounds! Still, we strive to learn the best we can and resolve different problems that come our way.

And oh, we just ran our first back-to-back 10KM and 21KM! Remember when we were struggling just by finishing a full 10 km? Well we’re still struggling but this time we’re going further than that.

So yeah, I guess that’s all on my end. You know, I’ve always wondered about that question,
" What advice would you give to your younger self?"
Well, work on what you can and then rest. Lastly, be consistent. Or maybe just try to give your best foot forward whenever you can. :grinning:

And to our future self, hopefully you have some really awesome update below!
Kampai to us! :clinking_glasses: