Lab number : Networking Weave Here is the question( Image 1) to find POD IP rang . . .

Nitin Garg:
Hey @Basavraj Nilkanthe @Mohamed Ayman could you please clarify this doubt. You two seem one of the most knowledgeable persons here

Basavraj Nilkanthe:
@Nitin Garg . It seems they are asking you to identify pod IP range configured for CNI plugin weave… IP address of Nginx pod has nothing do with theis scenario… It won’t fall under weave network ip range… Simplest way to verify this check pod name of weave deployment and it’s corresponding ip address to confirm on that… To check it run kubectl get pods -A

Basavraj Nilkanthe:
Otherwise describe deployment pod template of weave and check command or argument section to confirm what range they have configured

Nitin Garg:
Dear @Basavraj Nilkanthe thank you for your response. Actually Weave pods are part of daemonset and belong to an altogether different IP range as I have asked in my other|question. My concern is what decides the IP range allocated to the general PODS on every node. although @Mumshad Mannambeth did explained it clearly but the results are not matching with that.

Basavraj Nilkanthe:
@Nitin Garg in cloud provider you get that easily and could you please check kube-apiserver and describe it. Or check kubelet service

Basavraj Nilkanthe:
I am sure you must be getting either of them

Basavraj Nilkanthe:
I am not around my personal laptop… I could have checked it.

Basavraj Nilkanthe:

Basavraj Nilkanthe:
@Nitin Garg sorry, I found that, its niether associated with kube-apiserver or kubelet service

Basavraj Nilkanthe:
This is something you can confirm when you are doing kubernetes setup from kubeadm

Basavraj Nilkanthe:
you can find that information

Nitin Garg:
Thanks for the details Basav … I will check myself

Nitin Garg:
I appreciate your concern

Basavraj Nilkanthe:

kubeadm init --apiserver-advertise-address=<ip-address-of-kmaster-vm> --pod-network-cidr=

Basavraj Nilkanthe:
This command we run on master node

Basavraj Nilkanthe:
and second command we run on worker node to join master node

Basavraj Nilkanthe:

sudo kubeadm join --apiserver-advertise-address=<ip-address-of-the master> --pod-network-cidr=

Basavraj Nilkanthe:
if you are describe or check kubeadm process running on your node

Basavraj Nilkanthe:
you can get pod network range

Nitin Garg:
Actually mumshad explained in one of the lectures that POD IP range allocation is related to network addon … that is weave plugin so I was more concerned than that why it is not matching with either INET range in the weave network interface or with IP alloc range of weave plugin