Kubernetes Redis Deployment - task failed

Hi @Inderpreet,

The same here as @ASAAC. The task is failed again and it doesn’t say why!!!Also I was supposed to get a new task to day, please assign me the new task while you are looking to resolve this issue my friend.Let me atleast complete new task!! This is an old task :confused:

Thanks for reporting. We are putting this task under review until we fix the issue.

Hi @Inderpreet,
Its still the same. Can i also get my task for today?
Everything looks as instructed in the task.
pod is running on master.

Thanks. Please assign me the new task that I was supposed to get today. This one is an old task. I appreciate the support. @Inderpreet

@Inderpreet Same here for me… Please do the needful.

KKE Username : @balu.networks7


@Salim do you think a new task should have assigned to you by now and its not there yet ?

Yes the new task should’ve been assigned to me now referring to the time I completed the task yesterday. To be precise I was supposed to get a task 2 hours back from now @Inderpreet

Hi, the same thing for me. No task assigned to me

Hi @Inderpreet, Still I have not been assigned a new task.


@Salim @b.kamal You guys should have new tasks in your bucket now.

@Inderpreet thanks a lot

Seen it. Thanks @Inderpreet

Hi @Inderpreet,
Same for me i am behind by three tasks now.
Please help

@ASAAC we are assigning only recently missed tasks (mainly today or yesterday) due to this issue, did you get your today’s task ?

Further we are working on to fix this issue so that going forward we didn’t face this issue.

No please, i have not received any task today and yesterday

@ASAAC should have one now.

yes seen, thank you. Appreciated.

Hi @Inderpreet, the task for today should come automatically right? Though yesterday’s task was assigned manually?.

Yea you will get tasks automatically as usual, we are just assigning tasks manually which were missed today due to manually marking success or pending.

Ok. I am waiting. Thanks @Inderpreet