Kodekloud Challenge #1 issue with creating the pod - issue with command

Thanks @Carim-Manzur for the explaination!

I changed commands in init container to clear /site before starting jekyll and it did the trick.
Here is that part of manifest-

- image: kodekloud/jekyll
name: copy-jekyll-site
command: [“/bin/sh”, “-c”]
args: [“rm -Rf /site; jekyll new /site”]
- mountPath: /site
name: site

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I love all the it works on my box snarky answers

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this is all still happening. Finished the challenge with 20 mins to spare, spend the next 20 mins trying to troubleshoot why my pod wont come up (so essentially failed the challenge, because of the above). Before "complete the challenge according to the instructions or GH reference), i even compared mine to GH, no diff. Replaced the pod same result., replaced the po defination with GH po def and replaced the po. Same result.

So in short. Still happening. Please fix. This is causing more anxiety than it should…Thank you

Also this is the 3rd week in a row for the same thing. Please fix

For reference, let’s look quickly at the diagram:

The lab works, so it makes most sense to figure out why the pod does not “come up”. The most likely cause, judging by the dependencies, is that your PVC is not binding correctly. You haven’t mentioned if you’ve tried to look for events in the development namespace – this is where you can check for errors related to binding the PVC to the PV, and if there’s a problem using the PVC in the pod. Since you’re not using a deployment here, this suggests that there was an error loading its YAML. So what did you see?

Another possibility is that the initContainer defined for the pod is not executing right. What did you check there?