K8s L1 last ques

yes cm is present in volumes section and its same cm
is the shared-files volume an emptyDir - yes

yup thanks lets check tomorrow.

I have found the question, which is called “Fix issue with volume mounts in kubernetes” - so the clue is in the question!!

The two containers need to have the same path for the web files, i.e. /var/www/html so the mount path in the nginx container is incorrect.

Is the shared-files volume an emptyDir ? Could be in that case it should be mounted on /var/www/html

It is the case, so correct that, delete and recreate the pod, then copy the php file.
Press the webserver button and it works

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Yup, i added the below volume mount in nginx container:

- mountPath: /var/www/html
      name: shared-files

and then copied /home/thor/index.php to nginx-container
k cp /home/thor/index.php nginx-phpfpm:/var/www/html -c nginx-container

Website is now accessible.
Thank you so much Alistair.

I think you may need to explain this better. And possibly provide a step by step guide if you wish. The above is not easy to comprehend. Thank you.


kubectl get pod nginx-phpfpm -o yaml > pod.yaml

modify the pod.yaml file on the nginx-container volueMounts:

    - mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html
      name: shared-files

now will be

    - mountPath: /var/www/html
      name: shared-files

delete the pod

kubectl delete pod nginx-phpfpm

recreate the pod

kubectl apply -f pod.yaml

copy the file

kubectl cp index.php default/nginx-phpfpm:/var/www/html/ --container=nginx-container