Incorrect feedback on the Banner question

on destination server, do we need to copy files to /etc/motd?
where is this information mentioned. I blindly copied the commands shared in this post.
just trying to understand the requirement. let me know if you have any suggestions on the same. thank you

Hi Swaroop,

steve user on app server 2 does not has permissions to directly modify /etc/motd file. So you need to copy the banner first to some location where steve user has permissions and then you can modify motd file using sudo.


Does that mean, this rule applies to all application server users? because, earlier it failed for tony on app1

tried copying to /etc.
even this is failing.
I am going wrong somewhere.

I am trying this command. let me know if you have done the same way? or different way?

Hi Swaroop,

Yes it applies to all servers. A Linux user only has full permissions within its home and /tmp by default, so you could easily copy banner to some of these locations and then could update other config using sudo.


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As per this task: I copied /root/nautilus_banner to tmp directory on app1,2,3 and db1 servers.
Next, should I move this file from /tmp to /etc/motd?

moved files from /tmp to /etc/motd on all four servers.
also verified the results by running cat /etc/motd
all is well!!

Login to all servers i.e. app1,2,3 and db1

Go to

cd /tmp

ls – list files

see the nautilus banner file

mv nautilus_banner /etc/motd

verify the results by running cat /ect/motd.

That’s all is expected on this task. thank you so much @Inderpreet

Thanks for modifying this task with correct banner location. Can you now make this task pending for me and clear my failed task result ? Thanks in advance !

Hi @Inderpreet, Can you please enable the banner question in my tasks and mark it for pending . As I have earlier raised an issue , that it was marked incorrectly for some reason though the banners was made correct. You have let know that you will be releasing the task again. Can you please do it again.


Any update @Inderpreet @kodekloud-support3 on my query ?

Heelo Kodecloud Team.
Kindly check mine. I have the same issue, I got failed on this task although I think i’ve setuo the banner on all required servers.
Can you please check and give me the mark ?

@kodekloud-support3 @Suman I copied nautilus_banner file to app1, app2, and app3 servers also verified it with cat command.
But I was not able to copy nautilus file to db server. It gives me error “scp command not found. lost connection” while copy.
Please help me on the same.

@Vids check if ssh client packages are installed on DB server, if not please install them first.

Could you please reset this task so that I can complete it now.

I’m getting a drop on command scp message. Can you help me.

Connection to closed.
thor@jump_host ~$ sudo scp /root/nautilus_banner [email protected]:/tmp
[email protected]’s password:
bash: scp: command not found
lost connection

Hello, @jjulioc
Please install the respective package on that server. I think it’s a openssh-clients.

for me the DB server was down so i coundt ssh into it

Hello, @vgeorge
What is your task? Please share screenshot of the question.