Hey ! A question - I've just watched the "Multi Container Pods" lesson and it sa . . .

Roei Levi:
Hey ! A question - I’ve just watched the “Multi Container Pods” lesson and it says there that we would want to use multi container pod when we want to pair containers together but still deploy them separately. BUT, If we use deployment object the deployment process of the containers isn’t separated (as they are on the same pod) . So what did they mean? Thanks : )

Trung Tran:
I don’t really get your question, can you read this one?https://kodekloud.com/community/t/access-kiali-product-page-and-etc-form-outside-non-local/215391

Trung Tran:
If you can, please explain your question more clearly so that I can support?

Hi @Roei Levi as you know usually a pod or deployment represent an application, only the difference between pod & deployment is that a deployment can accommodate multiple instance of a pod(called replicas). As you know normally a pod contains a single container to represent the application. However some scenarios, we need to have supporting containers to support the main application container, and those kind of pods are called multi container pods. Hope this helps.

please go through this to understand more on deployments: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/deployment/

fyr: multi container pods: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/communicate-containers-same-pod-shared-volume/

Roei Levi:
Thank you for the answers @Trung Tran @unnivkn. Is there a way to apply a “rolling update” process to only some containers of the pod/deployment?

Hi @Roei Levi it may be possible, please try from your end.

Roei Levi:
Thank you