Hello - I am new to this and working on a lab. I started a pod with image redis1 . . .

Deepak Ladwa:
delete and re-create the pod with correct image

Sandeep Panchal:
OK, Thanks, Let me try

Deepak Ladwa:

Hello, @Sandeep Panchal
If you have updated in the definition yaml file then please delete the existing pod then recreate again otherwise run the command kubectl replace . This command will delete the pod and will recreate again from updated definition file.

$ kubectl replace -f file-name.yaml --force

Sandeep Panchal:
I did not use a yaml file to create pod. I created pod with command kubectl run pod redis --image:redis123

Sandeep Panchal:
After that I did edit pod and replaced redis123 by redid - How can I run pod with correct image ? @Tej_Singh_Rana

That’s enough, it will automatically recreate again with new image.

Sandeep Panchal:
OK, Thanks.

Sandeep Panchal:
What filename i use ?


Sandeep Panchal:

kubectl replace -f file-name.yaml --force

Sandeep Panchal:
I am not using a yaml file.

It could be anything, I gave an example.

Sandeep Panchal:
OK, Thanks

Sandeep Panchal:
will try in few mins

I thought you stored in a file and trying to update.

Sandeep Panchal:
This is what i did

Sandeep Panchal:
controlplane $ kubectl run redis --image=redis123
pod/redis created

Sandeep Panchal:
after that i did “kubectl edit pod redis” and updated image to redis from redis123

Sandeep Panchal:
now I need to apply this config on pod to update the image