Hello Everyone I have an issue with ansible roles running task with defined vars . . .

Al West:
for vars

Kalesha Gagguturu:
so I should have all of them defined some where

Kalesha Gagguturu:
app_tag_*: *****

Al West:
yes - if the value is not defined in default vars it will look elsewhere like environment, command line etc.

Kalesha Gagguturu:
Ok, Default vars in roles/app/vars/main.yml right

Al West:
Yes. Refer to this:

Al West:
sorry it is roles/role/defaults/main.yml

Kalesha Gagguturu:
Thank you

Kalesha Gagguturu:
I am clear now, I will try to figure out with those variables and then will try to check remaining configuration

Blaise Pabon:
Congrats @Kalesha Gagguturu, you have cleared one of the annoyances of Ansible. It’s likely to happen again, but you wll know where to look.