Fix issue with PhpFpm Application Deployed on Kubernetes

@Chudo you can restart deployment with this command

kubectl rollout restart deployment nginx-phpfpm-dp.

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I’ve applied containerPort: 80 too, and facing the same error message (and the same html page display), and looking for idea how the service should be exposed.

@mmumshad @Inderpreet @Tej-Singh-Rana @rahul456, can we get some help here please…

Hello, @dcmexy
No doubt, YES. Please be patience.

I have checked in the “Review” section, you’ve already got a solution from other community members. Please analysis and try again.


There’s nothing in the suggestions that I hadn’t previously tried out. If you able to access the comments/video of my first attempt, you would see that I checked all that out. So I’m confident it wasn’t a configmap/Nginx config issue at all because I checked it out too.

What is consistent in all my attempts is that testing through the browser via port 30008 would not work unless the deployment gets updated/restarted. In my first attempt, it couldn’t even validate at all.

@mmumshad @Inderpreet @Tej-Singh-Rana @rahul456

It’s almost 5 days now and I’m still stuck with this task. If this is not going to get looked at by anybody, could a new task be assigned to me please. This is the only task I’ve got this whole week.

And just out of curiosity, has anyone been able to pass this task lately?

@dcmexy, sorry for the issue, this is marked success for you.

Hi @rahul456,

Please check again… Not marked success…

@dcmexy, please logout and then login again.

Something is definitely not right with this task… Please see the attached gif. It shows what happens when I try to validate… It resets and subsequently marks the task as failed.


Thank you @rahul456. It is now marked success but I ended up getting only half the points. Also, I lost a whole week on this task, is it possible to get a new task any sooner?

i do this task right i change the default port but i failed i don’t know why really the last two lab i failed for no reason

I completed my task with refer to the Deploy Nginx and Phpfpm on Kubernetes

Hello Folks,

We apologise for the inconvenience. We are aware of this issue and working on to fix the same. It should be fixed soon and you will be assigned these tasks again.

this is the mistake
please check it

You need to edit the configmap and restart the deployment . refer above link for successfully completion

i know but the time is over, this why i failed the task, so it’s a part of task?

Hi Guys,
Anyone is able to resolve this issue ? I am facing a similar error and solution provided in the review sections are not correct. For my case following changes were made:

  1. Changed the ports of service to 80

  2. added index.php to configmap as it was not there

  3. Copied index.php to the nginx container

  4. After making above changes I can access website with index.php But if we access the site directly am getting forbidden error.

  5. As per the review section I have changed the service type to NodePort but still some errors.

  6. And steps from youtube link don’t have any solution but just the steps they have followed while expecting the task.

Looking for solution or help on this case. I have markdown my review again

I have executed above command and later copied the index.php file again to fix the issue