Ex. 15 of "Lab: CKA Mock Exam 3" marked as not passed

The description of this exercise is a per the screenshot below:

I have the pod running, both containers up, everything is fine, but the exercise is marked as red/not passed.
It seems the problem here is either the container name or its image name.
In the description it is not specified that the name must be sidecar, nor that the image must be a specific version.

You might want to check that out. Thanks


I just checked, and it’s working fine on my end. The reason is that the addition must include a name called ‘sidecar,’ as mentioned in the question. You can see the screenshot below for reference.

Hello, the exercise says to add a sidecar container, not that its name must be sidecar.
There is ex 14 when it asks to create a sidecar container, which I named sidecar, but then it fails because it expects to have another name. You can see Ex. 14 "Lab: CKA Mock Exam 3"

I think such details really need to be specified and clear.
Thank you.


I’ll forward this to the team to clarify the question. I’ll let you know once it’s updated.

Please note that the word “sidecar” is high-lighted in blue. This really is how it can be done in the real exam, so you should not expect that it will be as “specified and clear” as you are expecting.