Connectivity Issues between the VM's

When I am trying to establish the connection between VM’s , it says connection failed i.e. activation of network connection failed.

And IP address for enp0s8 is also not being displayed because of this error. please take a look.

Issue is resolved. please ignore my query .

Thank you

Hi @thapaswiprathipati,
How did you resolve this? Would you like to share? Because if other students will face this issue then your solution will help them.


Hello Tej-Singh-Rana,

Apologies for the delayed response.

After establishing the connectivity between the VM’s, we need to make sure that the connection is in enable state. To check whether the connection is in enable state or not , we need to navigate to the properties of newly created ethernet adapter and check the status in DHCP Server.

please refer attached image for more info.
