Configure Nginx + PHP-FPM Using Unix Sock (Still issue)

I am facing both linux lab with Install and configure PHP-FPM and Configure Nginx + PHP-FPM Using Unix Sock

with same error

I have checked carefully all the configuration and all working fine.


The error after task completion nginx is not running on correct port.

though it is running on the given port.

could someone suggest me if i had missed anything ?

The question says to configure it to also listen on a unix socket at path
/var/run/php-fpm/default.sock as well as any TCP socket.

You should be able to test the socket connection from app server 2 command line with

curl --unix-socket /var/run/php-fpm/default.sock http://localhost/index.php

Hi Thanh,

How do you install php-fpm7.4? the yum-config-manager --disable remi-php54 and yum-config-manager --enable remi-php73 does not work, i keep installing php-fpm 7.2. Only when i encounter the question using 7.2 do I pass the task 8, not this task 9. But i be doing task 9 tomorrow. Thanks

Please see this post

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