CKAD Mock Exame 1, Q7 - helm missing on cluster2-controlplane

For this exercise, we need to ssh to cluster2-controlplane
and then head to /opt to inspect a Helm chart.

The solution suggests running helm lint and then later using helm to install the corrected chart.

I did not find that helm was installed on the controlplane.

Do we need to install it ourselves?
I didn’t see that mentioned in the solution so I was not clear on where it should have been installed.

output from the CLI:

student-node /opt ➜  ssh cluster2-controlplane

cluster2-controlplane ~ ➜  which helm

cluster2-controlplane ~ ✖ helm lint
-bash: helm: command not found

cluster2-controlplane ~ ✖

Please look at this post, which appears to cover the same question. You might be doing Exam #3 as well, since I don’t think we have two exams that have the same question as Q7.

Thanks Rob, I see the response you provided there.
I can 100% confirm I am on Mock Exam 1, Q7.

Incidentally - is this something we might encounter on the actual exam? …that the environment would be missing things that need to be installed from external sources? If this were on the exam, I don’t think we’d have access to docs for installing Helm I don’t think?

It’s pretty unusual that the exam would ask you to use something that is (1) not installed and where (2) information relevant to doing the install is not part of the question or in the exam’s approved materials.

As for Q7 – it indeed appears that both UME #1 and UME #7 have exactly the same question at that point of the exam. With the same issue: I answered this for someone else for UME #3 Q7 earlier today. So use that answer – it’s the same question in a different exam.

This has been pushed to production, and I can verify that the problem now works and validates. Enjoy!