Anyone solved this? question# 15 from external ETCD lab from kodekloud never wor . . .

Ly Quoc Bao:
Hey, I just test it and it works well. Please restart the lab and try again or give it a try to use the Chrome browser.

Mohit Kumar:
your data-dir apth is old

Mohit Kumar:
did you restore the back-up in same path as before?

Ly Quoc Bao:
I just restored and it is still working.

Ly Quoc Bao:
Could you send your steps which you have done?

Mohit Kumar:
even if I followed Solution page step it doesn’t work

Mohit Kumar:
let me do it again

Mohit Kumar:
will update in few minutes

Samadhi Mabadawila:
Hey @Mohit Kumar can you do journalctl etcd | grep -i error and what’s the error is? Also you have to chown the etcd-data-new dir to etcd

Mohit Kumar:
chown was good

Mohit Kumar:
i will check for error

Mohit Kumar:
@Samadhi Mabadawila

journalctl etcd | grep -i error 
Failed to add match 'etcd': Invalid argument

Mohit Kumar:
Thanks Guys!! chown was issue. I was not ‘-R’ in chown command. So stupid of me.

Mohit Kumar:
Thank you all for the Help!

Ly Quoc Bao:
You’re welcome.
By the way, journalctl -u etcd will work

Mohit Kumar:

Mohit Kumar:
will try that one more time.

Mohit Kumar:
1 more question

Mohit Kumar:
we can use either one of them while taking backup?

Ly Quoc Bao:
Yup, you can use both because etcdctl helps you to convert to
However, you should use, it looks clearly.