Anyone can make me understand . . .

olivier beyler:

apiVersion: <|>
kind: CertificateSigningRequest
I add the name manually

olivier beyler:
then I copy past this part:

olivier beyler:

  request: $(cat ```

olivier beyler:
I add the ‘akshay.scr’ manually

olivier beyler:
then I copy past this part:

olivier beyler:

  - digital signature
  - key encipherment
  - server auth

olivier beyler:
this evict some bad characters inside the file

olivier beyler:
on my screen at the end I can see that:

olivier beyler:

&gt; apiVersion: <|>
&gt; kind: CertificateSigningRequest
&gt; metadata:
&gt;   name: akshay
&gt; spec:
&gt;   request: $(cat akshay.csr | base64 | tr -d '\n')
&gt;   usages:
&gt;   - digital signature
&gt;   - key encipherment
&gt;   - server auth
&gt; EOF
<|> created```

olivier beyler:
Is it also Ok for you <@UFCKJG9AP>?

kumar abhishek:
ya , I copied the entire part on notepad and then edited the servcer.csr and name of the csr and it worked

kumar abhishek:
are we allowed to open one notepad in actual test

olivier beyler:
as I mention before you cannot add another notepad

olivier beyler:
You can only use the notepad of the env test env

Kiran Reddy:
I did face the issue & i followed this

  1. cat akshay.csr | base64 | tr -d ‘\n’ –> First run this on your console & get the base64 value
  2. Later Paste that base64 Value in the CSR yaml.

kumar abhishek:
oh ok

kumar abhishek:
and the pattern and standard of ques is similar of what we are solving in this lab?

olivier beyler:
by signed the DNA I cannot answer your question

kumar abhishek:
I am sorry didn’t get u

kumar abhishek:
ok fine got you