Hi @Inderpreet @Ayman @kodekloud-support3
My task Install and Configure NFS Server, failed even though it didn’t asked to place any file on the path. - file ‘/var/www/nfsdata/index.html’ does not exist on App Server 1
Once again I received the same task, again it not said to place any file to the path.
Can you please share me details on this?
Hi @mmumshad
Once again same task failed with the same reason.
@mashraf92 Sorry for inconvenience. We have marked it as Pending
for you, please give it an another try.
Hi @Inderpreet,
Still facing the same issues, after providing the files.
Can you please check for the earlier task as well, showed the same reason.
@mashraf92 your mount location is incorrect.
You mounted it at /mnt/var/www/webapp
on app server, however it was supposed to be mounted at /var/www/webapp
See the error message.
Thanks for the clarification!!